Buying auto insurance coverage used to be a complicated and confusing process. In the past, people had to do their own research to find the cheapest fares based on the profile of the driver. Consumers had to research an insurer’s contact information and call each one individually to request a quote.
Most were unsure whether insurers were offering them the best rates for their driving profile and budget.Thanks to the digital age,buyingauto insurance coverage just got easier. You can enter personal information and get auto insurance quotes from several carriers in your area.
In this article, you will learn the pros and cons of using anauto insurance comparison service. An online insurance comparison service, such as OurComparisons, can save you up to 40% on your auto insurance rates.
Are you looking for a new auto insurance policy but don’t know where to start? There are three ways to purchase a policy in the insurance market. You can purchase a policy from a captive agent, which usually represents a single insurer.
Auto insurance companies such as Allstate use these representatives to sell their policies. You can also purchase an automobile policy through an independent agent. These people sell insurance products from multiple carriers.
Independent agents don’t just sell auto insurance; they can also sell other policies, such as homeowners, tenants, and life insurance. These professionals are not tied to a single insurance company.
A third way is to buy it online (directly) from an auto insurance company. Many major carriers allow customers to buy directly from them because consumers are already familiar with their auto insurance options and products.
Using an online comparison service, like OurComparisons, is one of the easiest ways to buy an auto policy directly from insurance companies. It can provide you with auto insurance quotes from multiple insurers within minutes. Individuals can also enjoy enormous savings on their premiums.
A captive agent is loyal to a carrier and only sells products from a single company. Major insurance companies are more likely to sell their products through these professionals. They are usually larger insurers like Allstate.
Additionally, you won’t know how their car insurance quotes compare against other insurance companies. You’ll have to spend time physically gathering car insurance quotes from different insurance agents to learn if you’re getting the best premium for your driver profile, but if you use some platform like OurComparisons your can get quotes in a single click.
An independent agent is familiar with a variety of insurance products from different companies. These professionals can provide you with insurance rates from several carriers. Hence, you can compare auto insurance quotes from various companies. But this is time consuming process, it may take hours to get quote from few companies.
Unfortunately, most independent professionals charge for their services. These professionals typically work with smaller, non-standard insurance agencies that have smaller advertising budgets. They also add additional costs for their services to your auto insurance. While the comparison platform like OurComparisons do not add any additional cost but they may get for you best discounts and deals.
A third option that consumers have is to purchase their insurance policies directly from the insurance company. Consumers can do this by using an insurance comparison search engine. Unlike independent agents, these tools are free. There are no hidden insurance agent fees added to your policy. Here are some of the benefits that customers get when they buy insurance online.
Another convenience of purchasing auto insurance online is having instant access to your documents. After purchasing coverage, you will be able to print your insurance documents. Although most carriers do not offer identification at the time of purchase, you can print other insurance documents.